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Saint Searching: Aiming To Know the Real Drew Brees

Published by on May 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

I was fortunate enough to work for the Saints in the summer of 2008.  Getting to watch pros like Drew Brees every day was a blessing for a fan of my caliber. 

My most memorable moment from that summer came while we were at training camp at Millsaps College in Jackson, Miss.  While having dinner and watching Michael Phelps win his umpteenth gold medal in the player’s dorm, Brees grabbed the seat right next to mine. 

Since it was the hot topic, we talked mostly about the Olympics and the time he spent in China one year. 

As if the situation weren’t surreal enough, we both recognized out loud how much of a spectacular athlete Phelps is after watching replays of his most r...

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