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The Greatest 49er Game You Likely Didn’t Attend

Published by on May 14, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

New Year's Eve of 2005 doesn't hold a lot of significance for me; another year closed out with a typical New Year's fighting for a taxi, fighting traffic to get to a typical bar, and then fighting through a typical New Year's Eve crowd of amateurs just to get a beer.

I was single back then, and ready to put the closing touches on a rather lackluster year for me. But what got me through the minutia of another New Year's that didn't live up to the hype was knowing where I was going to be the next day...Jan. 1, 2006.

Monster Park: A wet, sloppy affair that hardly resembled true NFL football being played out in a pillow fight for the ages, that in the week leading up to it came to be known as "The Reggie Bush Bowl."

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