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The J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets

Published by on June 15, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

I am a die-hard Eagles fan. I have never liked another team in the NFL but the Eagles. I hate every team that has beaten the Eagles even once.

I hated the 49ers with Joe Montana. I really hate every team in the NFC East.

I did like Dan Marino and the Dolphins, but I never really rooted for them.

That is about to change all because of Rex Ryan. I am rooting for the Jets now as my second favorite team. If they are not playing the Eagles, I am rooting for them.

Dick Vermeil changed the losing culture of the Eagles. He changed the philosophy of the Birds and made the city believe again. Then he got burnt out and the Eagles went into a little tailspin and lost their way.

Enter Buddy Ry...

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