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Three Players the Ravens Would Trade for Anquan Boldin

Published by on April 22, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

It has become a pretty hot topic in Baltimore, and it looks like the Ravens are coming closer to bringing Anquan Boldin to Charm City via trade. If the rumored terms are correct—a first-round pick and a player—then the question arises about which player will be on his way to Arizona in exchange for the game-changing receiver.

Here are three players that would likely seal the deal on Boldin-to-Baltimore.

3. Todd Heap—You hate for Heap to be mentioned in such a deal when you consider that for many years, when healthy, he was the team’s best receiver. But there’s obviously some issues between he and the coaching staff, and the signing of L.J. Smith made Heap that much more expendable.

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