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Weak Economy, 5-11 Season Slow Ticket Sales For Jacksonville

Published by on May 15, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

In today's Florida Times-Union, Vito Stellino has an interesting story about Jacksonville's struggles to sell season tickets.

According to Stellino's story, the team has to sell 50,000 non-premium seats to avoid having any of the Jaguars' home games blacked out next year. Stellino cited an unnamed league source as saying that Jacksonville had only sold 35,000 so far. The Jaguars did not raise ticket prices in the off-season, and will likely use some promotional tools (deals on half-season ticket prices, breaks if you buy in bulk, etc.) to generate some interest.

Blackouts (or at least threats of blackouts) are nothing new to the Jaguars, especially in recent history. After having six home games blacked out in 2004, t...

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