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Why Detroit Lions’ Fnas Shuold Trsut Jim Schwartz

Published by on May 23, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

Tehre is not a tpyo in the tltie of tihs atrclie.

Or in tihs snetecne ethier.

You may not blveiee taht you cluod acluaclty uesdnatnrd waht tihs atrclie syas, but jsut raed on bcusaee you rlealy can.

Tusrt me, as wlel as Jim Swratchz.  We btoh konw waht we are diong...eevn if you tnihk we are btoh czary.

I haer ya' luod and celar.

The Dteriot Loins pkcied Mtat Sfftarod and Bnrdaon Pttgeriw!  

Waht was Swchtraz tiknhnig?  We nedeed dfsenfe!  Our dsfesne skcued!  Two ofnefvise plyares in runod one?

Aollow me to epixalin.

The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to Cmabrigde Uinervtisy rsceeacrh, syas it deosn...

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