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2009 Armer Award: Nominate Now Bleacher Report!

Published by on May 3, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

As the 2009 playoffs are again in full swing, I felt it was time once again to begin nominations for the annual Armer award. It is the semi-official award handed out by Bleacher Report to our chosen MVP. The panel of judges this year will include (so far) myself, Alan Bass, Ian Robinett, and Michael Wagner.

Nominee's for the Armer award must be leaders on their team and lead by example. A Captain or Alternate makes no difference in selection. I would expect the player to be more of a grinder. My hope is to name a player who may otherwise get no consideration for a trophy.

For Example, ss a kid playing my first year of hockey, I was a starter on the first line. To be nice about it, I was terrible and at the end of the...

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