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Bad Ice, Bad Blood, and Blood on the Ice in Washington for Rangers Series

Published by on April 17, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

"We've got ice in our veins and blood on the ice," hockey players have said and that could prove true in the first-round NHL playoff series between the New York Rangers and the Washington Capitals.

The teams did not have much recent history to incite animosity, but the first game of the first round of the playoffs created bad blood between these two teams and foreshadowed blood on the bad ice in Washington.

The Caps had not seen the Rangers since they added the fiery John Tortorella and Sean Avery, at the start of March. Now they have seen them, and they cannot possibly have liked what they saw.

The Caps are called an emotional team, but they did not have much to get emotional about until their playoff se...

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