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Bleacher Creature Overreaction: Why The Coyotes Won’t Be Leaving Phoenix

Published by on May 6, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

While the bulk of Bleacher Report NHL section hums over the Anaheim Ducks "non- existent goal" and the filing of Chapter 11 by the Phoenix Coyotes I chose, after a long hiatus to share to explain to the community why starting the rumor mill now is useless.

By all means get excited at the prospect of a move to your community, but seriously wake up and smell the coffee beans. For myself, a Kansas City native, I drool at the prospect of an NHL franchise there (yes, Canada is more deserving, I admit) but I didn't go stark raving insane in the streets that the Penguins, and then later Islanders became rumored to move to my beloved old hometown. Instead I waited patiently and realized it wasn't going to happen. Just like the Coyotes t...

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