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Canadiens-Bruins: Not a Mismatch

Published by on April 17, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

2009 Playoffs Eastern Conference Quarterfinals: Game One

Boston 4, Montreal 2 (TD Banknorth Garden)

posted by Rocket

Finally, it was gameday! Of course, listening to all the hockey pundits, there was no reason to drop the puck. We heard that, line by line, the Bruins had better players. We were told that the Canadiens would be wallpaper on the Banknorth Garden boards. We were led to believe that the Habs had no hope to win a game against the first place Bruins given the regular seasons series.

But the truth is that the Bob Gainey led Habs had a record of 0-0-1 vs. the Bruins in the regular season. Gainey's Habs proved that they were able to compete with the Br...

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