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Evaluatiing the Pros and Cons of the Balsillie Offer

Published by on May 7, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

While I predicted changes would come to the NHL, probably starting in this coming off-season, I did not envision things happening this quickly.  First there was New York Islanders' owner Charles Wang publicly regretting his purchase and now comes Jim Balsillie rearing his relocation head again.

I knew that Phoenix was in the worst shape of all the money-losing NHL franchises and predicted that if there was to be relocation/contraction, this would be the franchise to go first.

You could tell this was coming as early as the All Star game when Gary Bettman was forced to publicly admit that Phoenix needed capital to survive.

The second indicator was at the NHL trade deadline when the Coyotes held a ...

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