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In NHL, It’s Finally Time to Pay Attention

Published by on April 15, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

I can't say I'm the world's biggest hockey fan—I got into it mainly through playing NHL '93 on the Sega Genesis—but I try my best to keep up with the sport, despite its terrible TV contracts (reduced to the cable hinterlands of the Versus network), lack of newspaper coverage (a paragraph at best in the local paper), and general status as our country's No. 4 sport.

When you factor in that slogging through the interminable regular season seems more like a chore than a reward, it's no surprise that only the biggest die-hards hang onto every point.

But now that the playoffs have begun, it's another story. No sport has a better postseason than the NHL, featuring series filled with the kind of drama, upsets, in...

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