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Jim Balsillie Barking Up Wrong Tree…Again

Published by on June 8, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

The man who can't take no for an answer from the NHL is at it again.

Jim Balsillie, the man who doesn't mind if you call him the person who invented the Blackberry (he didn't), is again crossing sticks with Gary Bettman and the rest of the NHL over moving an NHL franchise into his back yard. 

Balsillie is already 0-for-2 in this game, and there is nothing to indicate that his outlandish $212 million bid to take over the Phoenix Coyotes has any better chance. 

Aligned against Balsillie this time is not only the full force of the NHL, but those of the rest of North American professional sports, the state of Arizona, a former presidential contender and perhaps the U.S. legal system. 

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