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Ken’s Corner: NHL’s Top 10 Sophomores To Keep an Eye on in 2009-2010

Published by on October 19, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

While the hubbub so far this early season is hot teams and new rookies, the beloved baby-faced rookies of last season have now grown into hard nosed experienced veterans and are largely forgotten. For example, some in Los Angeles have seen the resurgence of the crown but may miss the fact of Drew Doughty's influence since a full season has passed since his addition. The same can be said for all the rookies on this top ten list. My largest criteria was that the player be expected to live up to expectations and fill voids this season within his respective team. Many were top rookies last season and are now looking to adjust to the pressures of growing into an NHL veteran. The sophomores listed are in no particular order.


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