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The 10 Toughest Places To Play in the NHL

Published by on May 5, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

When many people think of toughtest places to play they figure your'e talking about college football or basketball. Many people don't think the crowd has a very big impact in the NHL. I would have to strongly disagree with them. If you have ever been to a hockey game then you know how loud the crowd can get especailly when the home team is winning. Lets face it, when you combine sports and drinking you are going to get a lot of rowdiness. The difference between hockey and other sports is how close the fans are to the players. There is only a single pane of glass seperating the fans from the players bench and the penalty box and more then a few times fans have dove into the penalty box. The fans are also somewhat involoved in the game wit...

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