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The 10 Worst NHL Jerseys of All Time

Published by on May 9, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

The National Hockey League was founded in 1917. Being around for so long has made for some very interesting jerseys to be worn by different teams. One has to question why some of these jerseys were ever worn by a team or how they were ever possibly thought up. Of the ten jerseys in this list only one team appears twice and that is the Vancouver Canucks. Most of these jerseys were also worn up until the 90's with the exception of a few. Not to suprising though most of these were also only worn for a couple of seaons mainlly due to the outcry from fans who were embarrased by their team wearing them. Another suprising fact is that four of these jerseys were regularly worn by their team and six of them were third jerseys. So without wasting ...

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